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In the video 'How games make kids smarter', Gabe Zichermann explains how games make kids better problem-solvers and multi-tasking.  


As Zichermann, I believe that games based on foundational models of learning or representations of diverse pedagogies have promising prospects in the educational world.



My philosophy

Throughout my career, I have sought to keep coming up with inventive methods for keeping my students engaged. Reflecting on my journey as a teacher, I have primarily emphasized the importance of experiential learning in the formation of well-rounded students. I found my inspiration in Dewey and Vygotsky’s models of constructivism, where the connection between activity and learning/development, particularly the significance of ordinary activities and social environment in the educational process, is emphasized.


In practice, I am aware that standing in front of students and lecturing them is not the most effective method of instruction. My approach to education is experiential, which gives my students real-world relevance beyond the classroom.

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